This weekend this part of Germany was hit with a huge snowstorm that left behind a foot and a half of snow. This is our third winter in Germany, and it is definitely the longest and coldest. Since Don was raised in sunny California, snow for him is like a giant playground. He loves to shovel it, drive in it(actually doing donughts in empty parking lots), any excuse to go outside, and I love watching him run around laughing like a little kid (he has an infectious laugh- one of the first things that I remember when we first met). He tried to convince me to run outside in our backyard in the middle of the night with him and join the polar bear club, but in my old age I'm just not up for catching pnemonia! I attached a couple of pictures. The one without snow was taken last weekend. The other two were taken today. My tulip and daffodil bulbs had already started poking through the soil (a gardner's nightmare), I really hope they hang on until the snow melts!

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