Wednesday, January 11

A new year, a new outlet.

Hi. Welcome to the first ever Don & Robin blog. We hope you enjoy your visit!

First I want to thank my friends Heather and Kathy for opening the world of blogging to me. This is going to be fun.

I have realized that since Don and I were married and living in Germany we have lost touch with many of you. The purpose of this blog is to share tidbits (I just like saying that word) of our life here in Europe- and give you a glimpse as to how we have changed and grown (hopefully) as people and as husband and wife. Living oversees includes many adventures and misadventures- I need an outlet to share the oddities of life in Germany! I hope it makes you laugh!

If you know of others that may enjoy reading this blog, please feel free to pass it on! Stay tuned for future postings and pictures.

Many blessings to you in the new year.



Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. I look forward to reading your wise and unique insights. No pressure.

Heather said...

Yeah! Welcome to the blogosphere. I have linked you to my blog so other people can wander on over to see what you are up to.:)

about the authors said...

I'm not sure if anyone noticed but I actually spelled overseas with two e's. Oops!
I also wanted to mention that if you are interested in starting your own blog, this one is gimmicks. It took me about 30 min to set it up, then another hour of tweaking with it.


dori said...

Its so great to hear how things are going for you guys. Thanks for the updates!

about the authors said...

Yeah Dori!!!!

I tried to find your blog, where is it?

I miss you so much! How is school? I am working on 2 papers this weekend...some habits die hard, I seem to work best under pressure! Guess what my class is this term- Drug and Alcohol Counseling.

Talk to you later!
