Summer is fading here in Europe. We had a viscious heat wave the end of July- it brought flashbacks to 2003 when 3000 french people died, but it has rained every day for the last 3 weeks. I can feel autumn in the air, which is bittersweet for me. Fall means that winter is coming, and winter in Germany is long, grey and cold. I do not escpecially enjoy winter in Germany.
This summer we have been busy working on projects around our house. We are fortunate to have a wonderful landlord that has given us free reign in our house. For Don and I it allows us to enjoy the rights and privledges that homeowners have, which we are except that the home we own is in the states and not here in Germany! I posted a few pictures of our house and my summer painting project. I know, it's a little invasive to have pictures of our home plastered on the internet, but it's not like I can invite you over for tea. I painted the first floor living space while Don was in the states at a friends wedding last month. He knew that I had a project to work on while he was gone, but he didn't really know what I had planned. Thankfully he really liked it. Now if I could just get him to hang my curtains, the room will be comlete. I may have to learn how to work the power drill!
We were off line for a few weeks due to computer problems, but we are up and running again. More posts are coming, I promise.
WOW! Your place looks amazing!!!
Your place looks great! It's so different from the "just married" furniture days. I love all the colors. Isn't it fun to decorate? We are back to boring white. It was so nice having our own place in WA. I miss those little touches that make a place feel like a home.
Hopefully, Jim and I can come for tea sometime with our new little one. He signed up for an exercise in Germany which means he'll be traveling there 2-3 times in the next year. He doesn't know where the exercise is in Germany. But, it's Germany! I will have to come on at least one of those trips. He can take leave before/after the trip. I want to take him to Prague. What do you think?
Hey! Looks like a great place! So glad you get to visit Jim and Gin over Thanksgiving! We are hoping to have Thanksgiving in our new home in Lowman! We love it up there, and if I didn't have to commute week-ends, life would be perfect! Miss you! Love, Barb
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