September 2006
I turned 29 (shudder) at 9:51 p.m.on the 22nd of September. Don and I went out for Mexican food (big surprise here) with a few friends and played my favorite game RISK until the wee hours of the morning. My garden flourished throughout the summer, but I didn't see much of a harvest because of a cold and wet fall. I did enjoy a dozen cherry tomatoes, a few potatoes and about 6 yellow squash. I will try again and hope for a longer summer!
September also brought good news that my job was extended for another year! Yay! I really enjoy my current job and the people I work with so this was very exciting.

October 2006
I don't remember much of October, except that Don and I actually dressed up this year to attend a Halloween party at a friends house. I have posted a picture for your amusement.

November 2006
November was another busy month for the both of us. We were however, able to spend Thanksgiving with our dear friends Jim and Virginia who are stationed in Sicily with the US Navy. This was our first trip to Italy (including the mainland) and it was FABULOUS. It was such a breath of fresh air from Germany. Don and I noticed it right away, how expressive Italians are. It seems to me that you always know where you stand with an Italian, if they are happy you will know, if they are unhappy you will know that too! I don't think I will ever grow accustomed to German stoicism. Even if they like you it is hard to tell! Here are a few of my favorite pics from our trip. Notice Virginia's growing belly!

December 2006
So far this month has been unusual to say the least, but we are thankful for God's presence through out the last few weeks as we have been faced with unexpected news and health concerns for family members in the states. Don and I will be flying to the states to spend time in Idaho with my parents (a planned visit for me) as well as Don's Dad in California. We would appreciate your prayers for this visit.
Don and I will be staying close to home this Christmas, but we hope to take a short getaway for New Years. We are missing the beach and are considering heading north to Holland. Don and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2007!
Have a great time in Cali.!! If you are here the same time I am, would be great to see you guys!!
:) Laura
Hope I get to see you when you come! I wish you could see our new home as well. We will be having a "white Christmas" then heading for AZ for the Fiesta Bowl! Spur of the moment decision, but excited. Drop me a note sometime! Barb
We had a great time this Thanksgiving and we are so glad you could come visit. We are already planning our trip to visit you this fall. Hope you have some earplugs to drown out sounds of a crying baby! Talk to you soon.
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